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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Exciting Times in the Tripp House

My son Sean is in first grade. He's been 'writing' for a few years and especially loves writing notes to people. The other day I went to get a glass of water from a pitcher I keep in the refrigerator, I like my water ice cold, and I found a note taped to the side of the built-in water dispenser. This note had a purpose; my husband finally got around to replacing the old water filter with a new one. I was so accustomed to drinking water from my pitcher that even though the 'fridge' water was now drinkable I still avoided it. My son noticed that I wasn't using the water dispenser and decided I needed some motivation to return to drinking from it. I love that the note is in three parts because he was attempting to make three distinct points. "yoz it" "its god" "it wrx" My husband and I were very impressed with his attempt at spelling. Use it. It's good. It works. Now I know this may seem silly to most but I was nearly moved to tears. My little boy is growing up and pushing himself to become literate. It's difficult to put into words how much pride a parent feels when their child begins to read and write. We do everything in our power to encourage Sean to write often. He keeps a journal with writing and illustrations that highlight important events in his life. These events include birthday parties, play dates, soccer practice and games he plays with his little sister, Grace. We read to him every night and now he's started reading to us! I know how important it is to instill a love of reading and writing in your children. I hope that these practices remain fun for Sean and that as Grace grows she will be inspired by him to develop her own appreciation for literacy. The best way to ensure that this fondness for reading and writing continues to grow is to model it myself. Actions speak louder than words!


dispenser- (noun) a container, package, device, or vending machine for holding and dispensing something in small amounts
replacing- (verb) to restore; return; make good
accustomed- (adj) customary; usual; habitual
motivation- (noun) desire to do; interest or drive
distinct- (adj) recognizable; definite; sharp;clear
literate- (adj) able to read or write
illustrations- (noun) the act of clarifying or explaining; a picture in a book or magazine
instill- (verb)to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings; insinuate; inject
ensure- (verb) to make sure or certain

Grammar Point:
Contractions are formed when two words are squished together to form one word and in the process lose a few letters and gain an apostrophe. Can you find all the contractions in the passage above? Break down each contraction into its original words and reread the sentence. Does the meaning change? Why or why not? Do you want to learn more about common contractions and practice forming them? If so, visit the link below and you'll be sure to have fun!

Everything you need to know about contractions!

Fun with vocabulary









1   To restore; return; make good
3   To infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings; insinuate; inject
8   Customary; usual; habitual
9   To make sure or certain
2   The act of clarifying or explaining; a picture in a book or magazine
4   Recognizable; definite; sharp;clear
5   A container, package, device, or vending machine for holding and dispensing something in small amounts
6   Desire to do; interest or drive
7   Able to read or write


  1. Great blog entry! Your little boy is following the models that you have given him for literacy.

  2. Seeing that writing makes me want to cry. So cute. I miss those days. My kids are all grown up. Boo!
